X-Ray Screening at Critical Infrastructure Facilities


X-ray security screening at critical infrastructure facilities, such as nuclear power plants, data centers, military facilities or other is nowadays a common measure to help protect important premises and the population.

As for other industries, we offer specifically customized computer-based training courses in order to best meet the individual challenges, which are reflected by a specific selection of threat objects and baggage content.

Example Use Case: Beznau Power Plant

The primary reactor at the nuclear power plant in Beznau was the first commercial nuclear power reactor in Switzerland. To train their screening officers, the nuclear power plant in Beznau uses our computer-based training solution since 2015, which includes the following three courses: Training libraries covering hold baggage screening with images of real passenger bags (XRT3 HBS), mail screening with various mail consignment containers (XRT3 Mail) and lastly a training library specifically developed for critical infrastructure (XRT3 Power Plant).

Example Use Case: Beznau Power Plant

The primary reactor at the nuclear power plant in Beznau was the first commercial nuclear power reactor in Switzerland. To train their screening officers, the nuclear power plant in Beznau uses our computer-based training solution since 2015, which includes the following three courses: Training libraries covering hold baggage screening with images of real passenger bags (XRT3 HBS), mail screening with various mail consignment containers (XRT3 Mail) and lastly a training library specifically developed for critical infrastructure (XRT3 Power Plant).

Available Solutions

We offer the following software solutions for critical infrastructures:

Pre-employment assessment test for the selection of potential X-ray screeners

The all-in-one training and testing solution

Individually adaptive training for X-ray image interpretation

CASRA e-Learning Solution

A messaging tool for easy distribution of relevant information

See Solutions for Other Industries

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