July, 2021: New Issue of the CASRA Newsletter Available Now!

Since 2012, we have been publishing newsletters in which we summarize CASRA’s research results and refer to trends in the security sector. The latest issue covers the human-machine interaction between security screeners and automated explosive detection systems for...

May, 2021: Swedavia implemented XRT4

Swedavia, a state-owned company that owns and operates ten of Sweden’s busiest airports, has been using CASRA’s computer-based training and regulator-compliant assessment software since 2016. As of May 1, 2021, Swedavia has implemented the new XRT4, which will...

April, 2021: XRT4 in Greenland

We are pleased to announce that Greenland Airports has chosen to train their security officers with CASRA’s complete suite, the X-Ray Tutor 4 (XRT4). The highly effective and efficient individually adaptive computer-based X-ray image interpretation training is...
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