The individually adaptive X-ray image interpretation training solution based on scientific studies and a systematic threat assessment

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What is X-Ray Tutor 3?

X-Ray Tutor 3 (XRT3) is a computer-based X-ray image interpretation training solution. Its main goal is to enhance X-ray security screeners’ competency to detect threat items in baggage or other containers. While it is mostly known in aviation security, other industries like Customs and Critical Infrastructure are using it, too.
XRT3 was developed in close cooperation with universities, airport security experts, law enforcement agencies, and end-users to provide an easy-to-use and highly effective training software.
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Software Features

Based on scientific studies

X-Ray Tutor is the only training system on the market designed based on scientific studies on the complex brain processes underlying the perception of visual information. The effectiveness of the system has been proven in several scientific studies, resulting in substantial increases in detection performance.

Individually adaptive training

By using an individually adaptive level system, each user is presented images tailored to his/her individual knowledge and skills. This ensures that the user is optimally challenged and motivated by the presented images, and makes XRT3 a highly effective and efficient training solution.

Large library & multiple views

XRT3 is available for different fields of operation, such as Cabin Baggage Screening, Cargo Screening, etc. Each library contains high-quality X-ray images of several hundred prohibited objects in various rotations and several thousand containers (e.g. bags, parcels – depending on the field of operation). The regular updates of the image library are based on a systematic threat assessment taking into account new and emerging threats.

Merging algorithm

Thanks to the built-in merging algorithm, XRT3 is able to automatically generate unique bag-to-threat item combinations on the fly which reduces the likelihood that a particular bag-to-threat item combination will be repeated in the training. The combinations are merged on the basis of the screener's past results.

Response Buttons

The response buttons in XRT3 are customizable in order to train the appropriate reaction of security officers to threat items. Instead of OK and Not OK buttons, the specific actions can be defined by our customer to meet the requirements of national regulations and/or internal procedures.

Realistic Image Enhancement Functions

To make the training as realistic as possible, we integrated all common image enhancement functions to provide the same viewing conditions as the security officer would have at the checkpoint.

Multiple Threat Items

Up to three threat items per bag can be merged into one bag and the screener can mark up to three objects per image. For each given response, X-ray screeners will then receive a detailed feedback.

Management by Objectives

The management by objectives functionality allows the administrator to set individual training goals. This function allows to keep track of the users' training progress and provides a reference and motivational tool to ensure that the training requirements are met.

Detailed Level Feedback

Using comprehensive feedback options, security officers can monitor the progress of their training, based on training time, number of bags, and correct responses. With this feature, users can easily see what the status of their training is and how close they are to proceeding to the next training level.

Administration and Reporting Functions

The extensive administration functions help you to easily monitor and manage users and their profiles. The detailed reporting functionalities give you an overview of each user’s training behavior and results.

Web-Based Application

The software is built using web-technology and is therefore platform-independent. It can be hosted on one of our encrypted servers. This makes the training very flexible and location-independent, while saving on additional IT infrastructure.

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Based on scientific studies

X-Ray Tutor is the only training system on the market designed based on scientific studies on the complex brain processes underlying the perception of visual information. The effectiveness of the system has been proven in several scientific studies, resulting in substantial increases in detection performance.

Individually adaptive training

By using an individually adaptive level system, each user is presented images tailored to his/her individual knowledge and skills. This ensures that the user is optimally challenged and motivated by the presented images, and makes XRT3 a highly effective and efficient training solution.

Large library & multiple views

XRT3 is available for different fields of operation, such as Cabin Baggage Screening, Cargo Screening, etc. Each library contains high-quality X-ray images of several hundred prohibited objects in various rotations and several thousand containers (e.g. bags, parcels – depending on the field of operation). The regular updates of the image library are based on a systematic threat assessment taking into account new and emerging threats.

Merging algorithm

Thanks to the built-in merging algorithm, XRT3 is able to automatically generate unique bag-to-threat item combinations on the fly which reduces the likelihood that a particular bag-to-threat item combination will be repeated in the training. The combinations are merged on the basis of the screener's past results.

Response Buttons

The response buttons in XRT3 are customizable in order to train the appropriate reaction of security officers to threat items. Instead of OK and Not OK buttons, the specific actions can be defined by our customer to meet the requirements of national regulations and/or internal procedures.

Realistic Image Enhancement Functions

To make the training as realistic as possible, we integrated all common image enhancement functions to provide the same viewing conditions as the security officer would have at the checkpoint.

Multiple Threat Items

Up to three threat items per bag can be merged into one bag and the screener can mark up to three objects per image. For each given response, X-ray screeners will then receive a detailed feedback.

Management by Objectives

The management by objectives functionality allows the administrator to set individual training goals. This function allows to keep track of the users' training progress and provides a reference and motivational tool to ensure that the training requirements are met.

Detailed Level Feedback

Using comprehensive feedback options, security officers can monitor the progress of their training, based on training time, number of bags, and correct responses. With this feature, users can easily see what the status of their training is and how close they are to proceeding to the next training level.

Administration and Reporting Functions

The extensive administration functions help you to easily monitor and manage users and their profiles. The detailed reporting functionalities give you an overview of each user’s training behavior and results.

Web-Based Application

The software is built using web-technology and is therefore platform-independent. It can be hosted on one of our encrypted servers. This makes the training very flexible and location-independent, while saving on additional IT infrastructure.

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Available Image Libraries

XRT3 libraries are covering different areas with their peculiar container types and threat items. All our bags and other containers originate from operational conditions at airports and other areas; our threat images are derived from a systematic threat assessment and are recorded with the help of law enforcement agencies.

Example Images
Example Images
Example Images
Example Images
Example Images
Example Images
Example Images
Example Images

More Information

Our software can either be used as a web-based (hosted) solution (recommended) or be installed on a local workstation (server-client). We recommend the following system configuration:

Hosted Solution
  • Internet connection (1 Mbit/s per user)
  • Windows 7 or above
  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Microsoft Silverlight 5.1 (latest)
  • Screen resolution 1280x1024
Local Solution


  • Windows Server 2012
  • SQL Server 2012


  • Windows 7 or above
  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Microsoft Silverlight 5.1 (latest)
  • Screen resolution 1280x1024

Please note that these are general guidelines. For detailed information on the compatibility of your specific configuration of hardware, please contact us.


Find more FAQ’s and additional documentation on our support site.

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